The Road to Results

If your web search landed here, then we will presume that you have some sort of symptoms from which you are seeking recovery. Ultimately, it's likely that you have specific acute or chronic concerns from which you would like some relief.

At Pillar of Health, we pursue results. Our goal is simple: we aim to relieve your symptoms with therapeutic bodywork. We attend to your current condition and track your recovery with measurable results.

This will not be a traditional massage; rather, you will receive therapeutic bodywork vested in applied anatomy and physiology.

Our style is two-fold: clever and creative. Our clever approach explores the nature of your symptoms from a wide-angled lens. Our creative approach skillfully treats your specific condition with appropriate techniques.

The Techniques for Treatment

Whether you have intense symptoms from an acute injury, you have chronic symptoms from a former injury or you just look forward to improving your overall well-being, we are willing to investigate how we could help you.

A typical Bodywork Session can be as dynamic as the needs that you bring to the table. It will generally be scheduled for 60 minutes, unless you request otherwise. Each visit, we will discuss and investigate what it is you forsee as your goal for recovery.

Therapeutic modalities applied may include:
~Biodynamic Craniosacral Techniques
~Deep Tissue Manual Techniques
~Myofascial Tension Balancing Techniques
~Lymphatic Regulating Techniques
~Neurobiological Discharging Techniques
~…or something new that might arise in the moment.

Pillar of Health, LLC
11178 Huron Street Suite 6 | Westminster CO 80234

Website Design Copyright © 2022 Pillar of Health, LLC. All Rights Reserved.